Okoboji Writers' Retreat

9/17/2024 - 9/20/2024


A retreat for writers of all skill levels. There’s a story in everyone. Let us help you tell yours. Essays, memoir, nonfiction, fiction, reporting, and how to market. It will feature award-winning authors, newspaper editors, columnists and motivational speakers. There is a story in everyone. You’ll learn how to get yours started or improved. Read about last year’s retreat: okobojiwriters.substack.com/p/im-back September 17-20, 2023. Location: Iowa Lakeside Laboratory There is a story in everyone. Let us help you tell yours. Whether you are a professional writer or want to create a memoir or an essay for your family, join this group of award-winning storytellers. They are coming to Okoboji to help you. There will be panel discussions on memoir, storytelling, fiction, non-fiction, opinion writing, marketing, self-publishing, and more. Do you have a book in mind and want to ask an agent how to get it sold to a traditional publisher? Speakers will lead interactive sessions limited to 10 participants. All skill sets are welcome. We’ll have fun, too. Come for the learning, make new friends, and have fun on the barge tour of the lake and other activities.
Iowa Lakeside Laboratory
1838 Hwy 86
Milford, IA 51351 United States
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Okoboji Writers' Retreat
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9/17/2024 - 9/20/2024
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